Saturday 6 September 2008

Choros Amici and Beeston Parish Church

Had a fabulous evening at the above venue, recently "re-ordered". Went with Jan to see a friend, Sandy, in her choral group - amazing! Not only was the choir's repertoire varied and wide-ranging, the church itself was looking great. I can't remember what it was like before - like when you drive past a new build and think what was there before? - but the oak rafters and beams looked almost as fresh as the day they were set, the walls and columns were radiant too. The only thing missing was a lot more heat, but who thinks they'll need the heating on at this time of year?!

Anyway, I loved the range of the choir's ability and talent; the deep voices of the men went right through me, and it speaks to my heart. The traditional choral songs were electric and sung in many parts - it's spell-binding to watch a well-honed choir in action and to be just a little curious about how those who arrange the music do so on many levels. There was a set of Finnish/Shakespeare numbers that were beautiful. There were a couple of numbers that were quite mad! Followed by some more modern songs re-arranged for choirs: George Harrison's "Because" being one of them.

It was a great show and we all felt thoroughly entertained. There are some amazingly talented vocalists in the choir and as an ensemble, they were pretty special - would knock Last Choir Standing into a cocked hat that's for sure! lol

In addition to the music and the setting, it was lovely to meet up with people unexpectedly; Philip my CBT therapist and his lovely daughter, who admitted to drifting off to sleep - until the loud songs! lol; some older members of the local church community that I hadn't seen for some time; and Craig and his partner, Robin, who has sometimes been one of my carers, notably domestic chores not personal care ;) It was especially good to see him looking so well. Earlier he'd had a brain aneurism and was very ill in hospital. Apparently he's one of only 4% who survive without repercussions, which is marvellous for him, but a telling reminder of how fragile life can be. They've just had their first anniversary having had their civil ceremony last August. Robin's quite cute too!

I was glad I'd gone in my wheelchair, and pleased that Sandy had managed to reserve us a chair for Janet and a space for me :) But it was chilly in there, and I feel done in now. So I'll end with an encouragement to see this choir if you can, and they do go all over, if you like that sort of thing.

GBU xx

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