Thursday 7 August 2008

Best laid plans...

... of hamsters and women? Bibby came walking back to me this morning very gingerly. When I picked her up I noticed something hanging from her back end. I cried as I rang the PDSA who were shut, then had to look for a vets phone number, knowing that I'd have to pay considerably more than the donation asked for by the people's vets. I found one who could see her straight away, and fortunately because Mum had left me her car for the day (and wasn't that a blessing!), I was able to rush her over there. I know she's only a hamster, but I've raised her from birth and she's such a special little girl, so for those of you who find such behaviour soppy I make no apology. When a person or creature comes into my orbit and I allow it into my heart, they find I have a very big heart, which is soft and squishy (and nothing to do with the sick sinus syndrome I have). If they hurt, it hurts me too. As it is with Bibby and Dums.

The lovely young vet, Kath, thought it was a prolapse of her womb, and was fairly confident it could be returned to it's proper place. I did advise her that Bibbs was likely to bite (and she does have VERY sharp teeth), and true to form, even while scruffing her, Bibby bit her and drew blood. Needless to say, Kath put her down p.d.q.! She had to take her to anaesthetise her and assess the situation. Turns out it was a prolapsed rectum (I know! Doesn't that sound horrible! Poor Bibbs) and she was able to replace it. Kath did warn that it might happen again if Bibby had to strain again - bless her!

So she's off all her usual food, and back onto the dry stuff, so she's going to be pleasant to live with. She does love her food, like me. Although I must admit I'm not tremendously keen on moth caterpillars :$ (is there any way to get emoticons on these bloggy things?) Fortunately both Bibby and Dum-Dum are, although not in great abundance. I have a moth problem in my home. Now that I can keep the windows open though, they are diminishing somewhat. If you have any ideas for moth repellants which work I'd love to hear from you. Cedar balls don't help.

That reminds of something funny that happened with part of my "Vitalite"... Mum dropped me off at the gym a couple of weeks ago, and Chris comes out to help get the wheelchair out of the car, and pushes me into the gym. I noticed his necklace type thing and thought it might be a microphone of some description for when he's leading aerobics classes. So I asked him what it was. "They're titanium balls" he replied, to which Mum said "Oh! I have a titanium hip!" lol

Here's a happy thing that happened today... The last time I had to drive Mum's car, I was really uncomfortable because I was so fat that the seatbelt barely fitted, and I could hardly move. Today, however, I had plenty of room! :D In addition, to which the journey there was easy and I felt like I'd been driving for ages, when in reality I've not driven for a couple of years now. I do miss my car, but I can't afford it, and the journey back reminded me of why I had to stop driving because of the M.E. :( But all in all, the days been a successful one so far.

Bibby's now resting in her little box, and I hope and pray all goes well with her and she manages to retain her rectum (words you'd never think to hear yourself say), and copes with the old dry hamster food. I'm exhausted after the rushing and high emotions of the past couple of hours, so I need to have a rest too before this evening. Be blessed x

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