Saturday 9 August 2008

Huffy hamsters and tv cables

Today was a fairly good day. Janet came round today, which was great. She makes me feel comfortable in my own home. She's one of the staff from the care agency who help get me ready for the day. Ellen was my main carer but thanks to networking and prayer, she got a much better job. But it was hard for me to pray for her to get it cos I didn't want her to go! We get on so well, but life goes on, and it looks like Jan's coming early tomorrow so I can go to church. Lately they've been coming at silly hours, like midday. It's not much fun having to wait that long to get ready. I think I'm quite low down on the chain. But it could be worse... I could need them to hoist me out of my bed, and not be able to move at all, which is the case for some of the folks the carers see.

For some unknown reason, Dum-Dum's gone right off me. He doesn't like me to pick him up, he won't come when I call him... Bibby's still a bit wobbly, and still a bit cross. I'm not really as despondent as I sound though. A friend, Jill, came round today and we spent the afternoon chatting and she ended up fixing a lamp, removing the old DVD player and NTL tv box, and setting up the new DVD which was such a help. But why is it that the cables you need are not the ones you have, but the ones you have, you have in abundance?! And why don't Scart leads come with screws like the connections on a computer?? That way you wouldn't need to keep wiggling them to get sound AND picture, or be able to watch your digibox, turn it off and then watch a DVD instead of faff about switching cables?! However, I also managed to get a £4.50 reduction on my Virgin monthly bill :D

Jill is such a fount of knowledge. She knows where you can get free stuff, what community classes are happening when and where, etc. Now she's stopped child-minding we've been able to see quite a bit of each other which has been good. We started off making cards together this summer, but that petered out to chatting :) Neither of us are motivated right now which is a shame, I just can't seem to galvanise myself into action :( I've got knitting projects, crochet, a patchwork quilt for one of best friends' 40th birthday (it was in June!), some art work, and cards to make...

I've got such good friends, three of whom have promised me something at various points through my weight loss, as an added incentive, and as a reward for working so hard at it. Isn't that lovely?! Deb, my best friend, Jan (a different one) and Clare & Rob have made me feel so good about myself for doing something that I really need to do.

I've also lost touch with some good friends too, and would love to hear how they're doing, where they are... I tried Facebook for some of them, but no joy, although I did find my youngest brother, so that's good :)

I got scared about money the other day, as I'm sure many of you have been lately. So I went to the bank to cancel some DDs and SOs, but things look a bit touch and go. I'm hoping and praying that I'll be able to make things for Christmas for my family and friends this year, but I'll have to start soon. Plus I'm hoping to get some advice on how to sell on eBay, and then having the courage and energy to do it. My little home is full to bursting, but I really don't want to part with anything! lol

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