Wednesday 27 August 2008

Losing lots and repeat retreats

First of all, last Thursday's weigh in (wi) was another good loss of 4lbs. That means I've lost 4 st 1 lb in nine weeks, with which I'm absolutely delighted! I still have five weeks to go until the end of the foundation part of the programme, and LL expect you to lose 3 st within that three month period (women, anyway, men are expected to lose 3 st within nine weeks, so I'm ahead on both fronts).

After Thursday's session, Pat had an emergency text from a lady who'd been unable to get to her LL group, but had run out of foodpacks. As she was on my way home I offered to drop this off for her. There were no street names though, and by the time I'd hoped I had found her home, it was 10.30pm. I felt awful about knocking on her door so late (especially if it turned out not to the wrong place!), but I did so anyway knowing that she'd rather have her foodpacks and not have to resort to food. This was highly likely because of the bank holiday, and the LL offices not opening again until Tuesday. She tentatively answered the door, naturally, and I just showed her the LL bag, and said "LL delivery". Once inside her beautiful home, we chatted and chatted until gone midnight! We were both really tired, but found enough energy to talk each others ears off. What a lovely lady, and although we moved in completely different circles, we had the strong link of faith as Christians. We shared all sorts of meaningful stories: I told her about my three beautiful hearts story, and she shared her God-incidents too. What an encouragement that evening was! I just hope she managed to sleep well and that she was able to achieve all she'd wanted to do the next day. As I left, I had to traipse up a distinctly uneven trail back to the car, so she loaned me her torch with the proviso that I'd bring it back and we could chat again soon :)

I'm shattered now, so I'll let you know in a while about repeat retreats :)

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