Wednesday 20 August 2008

What a busy week! For me anyways :)

I've had a lovely start to the week, and while I have to be more careful than I have been in the past few days, I'm enjoying catching up with friends and family. Sunday morning I managed to get to church which was really good, especially as I haven't been for several weeks. There were new people there, some of whom were part of a baptismal party, and their baby Emily was such a source of delight - she's a pretty little thing in pink checks and denim. The others were from Australia, where Chris, Donna, PJ and CJ are living. In fact, they only live about 100km from them! Mum said if she'd known that she'd have waited to post the gifts she'd bought for them! That's funny considering how we British generally think it a chore to travel that distance to take anything to anyone, but instead need to make a weekend out of it, or at least an overnight stay. Europeans, Ozzies and Americans must thing we're mad with our grumbling about distances, but it's what we know isn't it. Having said all that, I love being English, oh and British, and aren't we doing fantastically well in the Olympics?! Mum and I watched Christine Ohurogu's fabulous run yesterday - we're in awe, Christine! And what about our own Rebecca Adlington from nearby Mansfield (well, it's all relative!)?! Two golds, and the second one way ahead of the rest of the field. Well done, you star! Go, Team GB! You rock!

Needed to take a tablet for my bowels on Monday (if you're new to this site, or even if you're not, I'm afraid my tummy situation does keep cropping up - soz!). I'm so glad I did because I think this week would have been another bad one if I hadn't. I've started to get dizzy again this week, probably just mucous (I know! Another yucky subject), but my voice started to go yesterday, which always worries me because it generally means I'm run down, doing too much and is the prelude to other horrid viruses. I think that's how all my ill health started: when I started my degree course (if not before) I lost my voice 14 times in my first time alone with laryngitis or pharyngitis. I was constantly on anti-biotics which I later discovered were really bad for one's immune system. So ta da! I now have a poor immune system.

I've been ok for a little while now and so the prospect of not being able to do the things that I'm attempting to do now is frankly scary. However, in light of all this CBT and TA (see lower down for the defs), I am trying to be positive and say, "No, I'm not going downhill like I have every other time. This time I'm going to pace myself, take things steadily, remain calm, and ride it out." Isn't that cool? Now, I just need to keep saying that to myself regularly with more vehemence. Please pray for me, or send me positive thoughts if you're averse to prayer, or simply don't know how to do it.

Things have been so improved for my state of mind over the past couple of months and that makes my life so much easier to bear. I know some of you will have experienced, or know someone who has experienced, the kinds of illnesses that leave you feeling wrecked after little or no exertion, exhausted and low, depressed even, and unhappy. This has been my life for the past 18 years or so. The past seven years have been much worse for me, so the ability to feel like I can drive again has been a real boost for my morale. I've been able to make a few cards for family and friends, even felt like taking up my needles and crochet hook again. My current mental attitude has made me realise just how very important it is to think positively. I've always known that at some level, but now it's more a conscious feature of my daily life, along with my Bible study notes, prayer, and regular naps!

I have been doing too much, and I keep trying to push myself at the gym which I know is silly and is part of the reason why I'm physically low and wobbly. Another reason might just be having the car at the moment - I tend to go from nothing to "all out", for me at least. So yesterday and Monday, I was scooting round all over the local area. I must learn the lesson about pacing, not going hell for leather when I am able to do so. Or when I think I can.

I gave a lift to one of my friends on Monday to the Boots site, after discovering that you could test products for them and keep the product you'd tested, or for longer tests, get a little money. That really appeals right now I can tell you! Another thing I discovered is that great minds really do think alike... It was Deb's birthday on Monday and I was taking her present round. I only had to wait in the car a few seconds before they pulled up. The kids got out laughing because they'd just been to mine to drop off their holiday gifts! lol I bought Deb a beautiful silver necklace with aquamarine and tanzanite. It was a great price as I tend to get jewellery from QVC (amongst a lot of other stuff like my Liz Earle skin care which really makes a difference to my complexion, although sometimes it's much cheaper to get them directly from her site, certainly it is for postage . But QVC do great sets at a very reasonable price).

OK, I'm off for a nap while listening to appropriately Longview "When you sleep"... only when you sleep... Ahh, now it's gentle Goldfrapp "Clowns". Don't even mention the word appropriate!

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