Thursday 7 August 2008

The weigh in and driving again

Only lost 1 lb tonight, but it's still off, not on, and I did lose 7 lbs last week. Plus I haven't been to the toilet yet - part of the constipation saga I reckon. It was great to be driving again. I'd forgotten how much I used to enjoy driving in the evenings in summer... I fit in the car with plenty of space around me, and felt quite at home back in the driver's seat again :)

There was a select group of us tonight, and I really enjoyed spending time with them, as I do with the ones who couldn't make it tonight (they will have to pay for the session though). I talked about how I'd found this week quite tough in terms of food, and the others encouraged me and gave me strength to trudge through the cravings.

The sessions are confidential, so I'll only be discussing items that are personal to me, not the others. Some of the issues I've been tackling were raised: how being overweight can either cause or be the effect of poor self-esteem; and how as we lose weight, we'll have to change how we joke about ourselves in social gatherings. Other points I've been considering are how I use food to "occupy" myself while my mind is avoiding issues with which I have to deal at that time. For instance, this afternoon with Bibby, in the past I would have resorted to food for comfort, or distraction. Instead, I was able to jot down how I'd felt about it here, pour myself a glass of water, drink it, and then go to rest after I'd got it out of my mind. Maybe journal-keeping is a way forward for me; an opportunity to debrief, or simply to get things off my chest. I hope it works, and I hope it's of interest to folks out there. I must confess I'm a little concerned in case I get comments from oddballs, but I am able to vet them before they're posted so that's a comfort.

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