Wednesday 6 August 2008

Just when I get started...

Hopefully this post will make it to my blog! I'm not too sure if I'm doing the right things regarding blogging or not, so bear with me, and any advice would be helpful.

Ok, the hamsters are looking good today and tucking into quiche and apple which seems to be going down well :) Bibby's off for her nightly explore of the flat, and Dum-Dum's settled down for the time being in his home. It's more than likely he'll spend some time in Rocco's old cage cos he prefers the wheels in there - they make more noise and he can thunder round them!

I went to the hospital today to check in with one of my consultants and that was ok. I'm still on the anti-d's, but they're helping keep me together so I'm happy to carry on with them. I did have to wait an hour and a half for transport to take me home though, so I've got a numb bum. Had a nap, then Mum dropped her car off for me to use tomorrow which was really kind of her.

Hopefully I'll be able to get to see one of my goddaughter's tomorrow. It was her birthday this week and she's four now - can't believe how quickly the time goes. She's adorable and her name is Naomi, but her big brother, Daniel (one of my godson's) who is now five, couldn't pronounce it and called her Ammi which has stuck. It turns out it's biblical too :) It means "my people".

I've felt like I could really tuck into something to eat today, I'm not sure if it was just the result of some tempting adverts (and not for chocolate which some may consider odd, but for bread and butter!) or the smell of a roast dinner at the hospital in the cafe near the entrance... Difficult, especially as I've chosen quiche for the hammies this week, sigh.

Tomorrow is also LL night, so I'll be watching what I drink in the afternoon. The programme suggests at least four litres of water a day, although the remit was changed after that poor woman died the other week because of over-drinking water, and other complications. Anyway I've found that if you don't drink for the three hours prior to the weigh-in (wi) you have an accurate idea of your weight loss.

I've been looking for some of the links I'd like to post here, such as the hunger site, where every click on the website gives 1.1 cup of food to someone starving in the developing world. I'm still not entirely sure how - probably due to advertising - but it's all good. So click on the link and stop starvation from killing one poor soul :)

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