Thursday 7 August 2008

Like much in my life, the photos are a bit random!

Okay, I know they're a bit random, but I love the pictures of my nephews. The one with Wyatt, Conor, Jake and Sophie was taken of my older nephews a couple of years ago and boy! have they grown since then. Conor is probably verging on 6' and Wyatt not far behind. Jake's just going up to secondary school, so he'll be catching them up soon enough. However his father isn't nearly as tall as Chris (my youngest brother), Wyatt and Conor's dad. The photo of P.J. (Peter James - named after Donna's dad and our dad respectively) is my youngest nephew, and he's such a cute boy. He's just turned four, and is a bit more of a handful for his mum and dad due to the recent arrival of C.J. (Charlotte Jasmine). Here's hoping she can hold her own with her big brother, I think she'll need to! lol

The beautiful photos on the slideshow are those taken by other members of the blogging community. I'm going to see if I can load my mini video of the hamsters, but don't hold your breath! lol

I'm going to post another blog tonight with the results of my wi. There's no reason why I shouldn't have lost more weight, what with only taking in 500 cals/ day, but you never know...

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