Tuesday 5 August 2008

"Vitalite", hamsters, ME/CFS, family & friends

Hi, the photo of me with short hair & a feather in my hair was taken on my 30th so I have changed considerably since then, but I love it! There is a more recent one here, and I'll post others with their relevant stories. This one was taken when I started internet dating! It worked too, although I'm not dating at the moment, so I'm still looking.

I'm in the process of losing weight, and so far I've lost 3st 4lbs, which I think is over 20kg! All in 6 weeks! I'll keep you posted on my progress...

I did start a blog about my hamsters, but I'm useless at keeping a diary, so sorry if you were expecting more entries. As I said, I have raised 17 hamsters, but just have two at the moment - Dum-Dum (male) and Bibby (female). They're adorable and have such funny characters. They're both over two which is quite an achievement because they only normally live for 18 months to two years. They have an ... unusual diet of ready oats & soya milk, one of Asda's rather posh sandwich spreads, and yoghurt, as well as the usual dry hamster food. I had to start feeding them with soft foods because Dum-Dum doesn't have any top teeth, and lost a lot of weight cos he couldn't eat. Bibby can and eats most things, so she's a bit tubby. I think it's also her particular variety of winter white though, as Marjorie and Max, who were the same colouringas Bibby, were also similar in size.

Dum-Dum (who's twin Dee-Dee sadly died young) is a lovely male, and likes "cuddles" and spending time with me. He'd also prefer to spend more time with Bibby naturally ;), but she's not always so keen and has very sharp teeth and is not afraid to use them. Hamsters do have long memories though... Bib's had obviously bitten Dum-Dum quite hard the previous time they'd found each other in my home, because as soon as he saw her last week, he bit her very hard on her back, then ran off and hid! She was furious, chattering away and bristling with rage. Evidently Dums had found a very good hiding place, which was a very good move. Normally, Bibby is a beautiful little female, and loves cuddles too. She's also an escape artist, and at the moment, considering her size, I cannot work out how she gets out of her cage without opening the door! Little Madam!

When they've had enough running around, or want feeding and watering, they find me and climb on my foot, or if they're by the side of my bed, they wait for my hand to appear and then join me on the bed for a little while. They love chicken bones, curry, baby sweetcorn, ready porridge & caterpillars. Unfortunately this summer I've had a lot of moths in my home and therefore there's been a ready supply of moth caterpillars. If anyone knows how to get rid of them, I'd love to hear from you! I know my hamsters don't have long left, which grieves me, but is inevitable. I'd like a bigger furry pet next time - in fact I'd love a dog, but I can't walk it, so it probably wouldn't be fair, I also don't have a gate on my garden (again if anyone can help, please drop me a line) - one that will live longer and that I can keep in my home.

For me, it demands so much energy to pick up the phone, to email at length, or to see people, I do find conversations exhausting, so I'm hoping I will be able to at least find time and energy to write on my blog more regularly. This time, I'm going to try very hard to keep you up to date (famous last words!).

The last couple of weeks, actually since starting Lighter Life (LL) a diet programme http://www.lighterlife.com/, I haven't been in the best of health. I keep waiting for the energy to kick in - then I remember, I've got M.E. (myalgic encephamyelitis) http://www.afme.org.uk/, sometimes known as C.F.S. (chronic fatigue syndrome) http://www.nice.org.uk/Guidance/CG53. The condition continues to fluctuate, but some times I am able to do the things I used to enjoy, like going to church or the cinema, or out to a friend's house. I'm hoping that "Vitalite" will help my recovery :)

As far as the diet is concerned, I feel like I'm in the swing of it now, and it's not so difficult to stick to it. Up to now, I haven't eaten anything other than I should, which is a real achievement believe me! I could stumble at any time, but I'm really determined not to do so, and as we've learnt in our group counselling sessions on Thursday evenings, state of mind is a powerful thing. I do have horrid, realistic dreams where I've just eaten something and I'm just in denial - scary!

My stomach however, isn't dealing with the huge change to my diet. My daily intake now is only 500 calories - which is evidently adequate for my needs and certainly shifting my body fat because of the ketones my liver has to produce to give me the 2,ooo cals (3,500 cals = 1lb of fat) I need a day - but I think I have a blockage, and I certainly don't seem to have enough fibre. I have been taking dihyrocodeine for some years now as part of my pain management, but they can cause constipation, which is something I have experienced in the extreme lately. I have started taking fibosure which is better than fibogel in my opinion, as it doesn't have any flavour and isn't loaded with sugars of any sort. I've even been thinking of having a colonic irrigation which is something I've previously thought of as a horrendous procedure!

If you're interested in the diet, then it pays to know that there are some things like the constipation to watch out for and take measures against it if necessary. On the whole, I've found it really helpful. Obviously the huge weight loss is a real incentive, but there's a lovely group of women on my programme and we've really bonded. It's so encouraging to know the feelings you've had around food are shared experiences isn't it. So there's the group support, the LL counsellor and her team who are both encouraging and very supportive too, the two-hour group counselling sessions, the foodpacks, exercise DVD & equipment, and the weekly DVD which is where we get to see others who have successfully reached their target weight, and maintained it. My inspiration has been Erica; her fat photo looks like me - even Mum thought it was a trick question when I asked her who she thought it was! - and now she's stunning and slim, not just thinner... SLIM! I'm sure she's on the LL website, so check it out and be inspired.

The programme treats those of us with food issues/weight problems similarly to those who have addictions, which I've found tremendously helpful. The purpose is to be abstinent from food (obviously the food packs contain all the vitamins, nutrients and calories you need to live), for 100 days, 14 weeks, initially. LL claims that you will lose at least 3 stones within that time if you stick to the programme (Tick! done that :) ). The cost is significant at £66 per week, and more than I can financially afford what with all my bills rising horrendously, as no doubt yours have too. However, I need to do this now. Physically and seriously, I cannot afford to wait (weight, get it?! lol) any longer.

In addition to LL, I've been referred by my GP to something called Vitality Referral http://www.broxtowe.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=2369. Mum gets a bit muddled and calls it all "Vitalite"! lol
On Fridays, I go to Chilwell Olympia and have a session with the instructor - a lovely man called Chris, who's just had shingles, bless him, in spite of which, he still managed to complete an endurance cycling race in the mountains of Italy! Anyway, week on week I'm improving, although I have to admit, my base level is very low! lol I take my wheels and Chris is able to remove the seat part on some of the apparatus so that I can do them in my chair, which is great :) I have regular rests and drink a couple of litres of water! I might look a bogger, but if I take my glasses off I can't see, so it turns out all right in the end.

Oh! In addition to all that news, this year is one of new arrivals too! My niece, Charlotte Jasmine, was born in May :D She's beautiful, although we've only been able to see photos cos she lives with my youngest brother, Chris, and his young family in Oz. Also Chris' oldest son, Wyatt, who lives here in Nottingham with his mother and two brothers, (the middle one, Conor, is also Chris' son) is expecting his first child - and the scans show it is a boy - in September, just as he's hoping to enter the army at 17! Conor's also considering the forces for his future and has plans for the RAF. He's doing really well at school and was in the top 5% of the UK in his SATs - very cool! We do wonder if Jake, their younger brother, is intending to sign up to the Navy for a hat-trick! P.J. (Peter James), who lives in Oz with his Mum (Donna) and Dad (Chris), is only 4, so there's plenty of time yet for him to decide what he wants to do.

Life is quite full for me at the moment, what with starting new things, gaining new friends and family members, my Bible study group, church, cinema, and starting up new church prayer events at St Barnabas' http://www.stbarnabasinhamnook.co.uk/, I have enough to do to keep me occupied and away from food (I'm hoping that's what will happen ;) ).

God bless.

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